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Automation Day 2023


Dragi partneri,


Imamo veliko zadovoljstvo da vas pozovemo na "Automation Day 2023" koji organizujemo u saradnji sa kompanijom Rockwell Automation, a koji će biti održan dana 20.06.2023. u hotelu Holiday Inn u Beogradu, na adresi Španskih Boraca 74.


Kao i prethodnih godina, predstavićemo Vam najnovije proizvode i rešenja iz oblasti industrijske automatizacije, ali prvenstveno želimo da vas kroz razmenu iskustava i ugodno druženje bolje upoznamo. 


Molimo vas da svoje prisustvo potvrdite do 09.06.2023 godine.



Srdačan pozdrav,

ControlTech Team



Registration Form

    Company name:




Dear Partners,


We are pleased to invite you to the "Automation Day 2023" organized in collaboration with Rockwell Automation, which will take place on June 20th 2023, at the Holiday Inn hotel in Belgrade, 74 Španskih Boraca Street.


As in previous years, we will present you with the latest products and solutions in the field of industrial automation, but our primary goal is to get to know you better through exchanging experiences and enjoyable networking.


Please confirm your attendance by June 9th 2023.



Best Regards,

ControlTech Team